Sunday, May 18, 2008

I know...

Sometimes the trick is just to keep breathing no matter what. I have to remember that sometimes certain things fall apart so that other ones can fall together. At least that's what I am going to keep telling myself. If I say it enough times I may even believe it.

I was coming home from work the other day and I just started crying. He's such a loser and a waste of my time. It's not even that I still want him. It's that he was my friend, and now he's really not. It's that he hurt me, whether he wanted to or not. You want to know the part that hurts me the very most?

I did this to myself. There was never one point in time where he actually said he wanted to be with me or even had feelings for me. All of his actions indicated such a thing, but he never voiced any of this. Once again I placed expectations and pre conceptions on someone, just to be let down.

And so I cried. I cried because I lost my friend. We were always friends. I can't lie and say I don't miss my friend, because I do, very much so. I wish things weren't the way they were. But, like I said I did this to myself. I put myself where I knew it just wasn't gonna work. How was I gonna win? I couldn't have. And I feel this sense of loss and anger.

At least with Mr. Wrong I could very rightly point the finger at him and blame the entire situation on him. I could easily get away with it. Maybe I share some of the blame... Oh, who am I kidding? It was his fault. He deffinitely wanted me, even if for a night. But, with Robert....
I haven't seen Robert in about a week. That's good. I'm in no hurry to run into him. I bumped into Mr. Wrong yesterday at the beach. He came up to me soaking wet and hugged me, pretty much against my will. Then he pretty much ignored me...

"It's really time for me to move away from him.
From all this.
I don't even know who he is anymore..."

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