Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Distasteful Drama Queen

I never have quite comprehended how they go about it. Some drama queens just do not know how to carry themselves in a respectful manner. They cause those they are associated with to look down on them as well as their actions. Perhaps it’s because they lack beauty as well as poise. No matter what I do I gain an audience and the women involved, the ones that matter anyway, rally to my cause. Verona, as we will call her, is a distasteful drama queen. Some of the women in my life were talking about her this morning. She has children at such a young age. She has a boyfriend as well as a girlfriend. She has chosen to involve herself with Allen. She has included him in every single one of her affairs. She leaves her children at any given moment with this young man. I for one do not understand how men will put up with the bullshit of a young woman who doesn’t have any prospects. Perhaps, it is because they are so very similar. I do not know.

She has caused quite the uproar from what has been told to me. I think we should all ignore her, pass her by, and continue on with the quality of our lives. Yes, I am quite sure she is a backstabbing silly girl. No one is disputing this particular factor. There are so many these days that it is turning into a trend of sorts. It’s all so nauseating and simply boring, really. They are all quite the same. If you’re going to do something gravely inappropriate or behave in a scandalous manner, at least carry yourself in a way where everybody watching, cannot predict the ending. At least in that manner, people will be forced to admire you. Can we admire this distasteful drama queen? I think not. In this case I believe we may be forced to condemn her actions… If someone admires her I would be forced into considering the source of the admiration…

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