Friday, July 20, 2007

The weekend update... unless something devestating happens

It is Friday morning. I do not have much time to give you today. I still have yet to pack. My room is simply a fright. Don’t ask me how it happened once more. Later in the afternoon I am going to lunch with some of my girlfriends. In the early evening I have plans with my family. Friday late night belongs to a certain group of people, unfortunately. So I shall just give you an update on some of the people who we’ve already discussed…

Who knows what is going on with Alyssa? She was probably busy sucking off Joey last night. What other purpose could she possibly serve where he is concerned? I cannot think of one. If you can possibly come up with a plausible one do us all a favor and contact the media at your earliest convience.

I suppose that this would bring us to Joey. I called him last night when I was on the road. I needed directions to a particular location. He seemed somewhat hurt that that was the only reason I was calling. I do not care. Did he expect me to call and tell him all about the going ons in my life? I don’t think so…

Mr. X and his girlfriend, Rhea, are having problems. She suspects that he has not completely been faithful to her. What was the twit’s first clue? Don’t answer that question. I’m not sure that I am quite prepared to know the true level of her stupidity. Lea of course was very unsupportive towards his situation. He was surprised that she was being such a bitch. I could have told him that one…

I haven’t seen Verona since she dumped Allen. I did see Allen last night though. He looked completely devastated, even heartbroken. Perhaps he missed being yelled at and having to baby-sit her children at any given moment?

That is it for now. But, if something devestating happens I will be forced to make time in my busy weekend to tell you all about it...


Anonymous said...

thanks so much for visiting and enjoying my blog. i'm always ready for more dramatic friends, or just friends, period.

i didn't cry when my best friend (or someone who i thought was my bff) took off for another state without knowing how long she'd be there. i knew she'd be back. and my psychic abilities were right. less than a month later, she and her 4 kids returned. now if i could just get her to help me move like i helped her. but, alas, that's not to be.

i thought my life was a bit on the dramatic side. yours wins.

i don't judge on people's pasts. it isn't fair to anyone. i simply take things as they are, and i'm all for being sweet and nice until someone screws me over. that's when the bitch comes out.

welcome to the blogging world. i loved all of the posts. yep, went back to the very first one and read them all.

Drama Queen said...

Told like a true pro. . .

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.