Sunday, January 13, 2008

Everyone Notices when they walk into a Room

The minute I saw Robert last night my heart started beating much faster than it really should have. All I know is that I walked by him, acting as if I had no idea that he was there. I knew that if he was like his brother he would make it impossible for me to not notice his presence. If there was anything that Mr. Wrong couldn’t stand it was being ignored.

Of course I was right. I usually am on these types of things. He pulled me into a close embrace. I couldn’t help but smile against him. I knew others were looking at us with a disapproving glance. I live for such things as these. I truly do. I pulled away from his embrace, feigning that he had hurt me.

“No, it didn’t! You’re tough as nails…”

“Are you gonna give me a ride…”


“I think you will. In fact, I know that you’re going to…”

“Don’t be so sure of yourself, princess.”

“I can’t help it, really.”

Naturally, he gave me a ride home. At one point I was on the phone with Mr. X. He said something that made me smile. Of course Robert assumed that I was on the phone with some phantom boyfriend, that I neither have the time or the energy to put up with on any level.

“Are you on the phone with your boyfriend?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I asked, didn’t I?”


“You’re cheating on me already?”

I of course laughed at him before looking at him as if he had absolutely lost his mind. And the part that causes me a great sense of amusement is that he probably had. I doubt that this will be the last time this occurs either.

Robert reminds me of Mr. Wrong in so many ways. But, at the same time, he will never be his brother. It doesn’t matter that I want him to be. Robert makes me laugh and they have so many of the same mannerisms that it’s shocking really. He reminds me of how much I really miss Mr. Wrong.

There was just always something about him that I could never seem to resist, didn’t want to. They both possess such magnetic personalities that it’s quite surprising. It doesn’t matter what they say or do, really. You just want to be in their company, whatever may be going on is of very little relevance. You want to know more about who they could possibly be and why they do the things that they do.

I don’t suppose that I have real feelings for either one of them. I won’t lie to myself and pretend I do. Mr. Wrong and I had amazing sex. We share an amazing chemistry of sorts, one could say. Something about their essence captivates me, more Mr. Wrong then his brother.

All day long I thought of Mr. Wrong. I wish I could tell you I didn’t, but I did. I can’t wait until he gets out of rehab. I cannot deny the fact that I look forward to that day very much so. It plagues my mind a great deal. I just want to see him again. I’m just worried that he won’t come back when he gets out of rehab. I’ll let you in on a little secret. The thought of him not coming back is more than I can possibly bear. Here’s another secret. I don’t want to know why the idea of him not returning causes me to feel a sense of immeasurable sorrow…

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