Sunday, January 20, 2008

My visit with Mr. Wrong part 2 (the short version)

I have been emotionally exaughsted for the last two days because of Mr. Wrong and his brother, Robert. I am going to give you the short version for now about what else happened when I saw Mr. Wrong because there is something else I need to write about in here that is bothering me really badly…

I saw Robert when I went outside to smoke and he hugged me. At first he was really surprised, but then he smiled. The meeting had a break and we were all standing around having a cigarette. They were both flirting with me and I was cracking up. It was funny. We all went back into the meeting…

After the meeting I was talking with Mr. Wrong. He gave me a long hug goodbye before I left. It was a longer hug than when we first saw each other. He also wanted my number, which I gave. And at this point, I am more confused about him then ever. You will probably understand it all better after the next entry. I am so confused and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I hate not knowing what will happen in my life…

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