Monday, January 21, 2008

I have to look...

at the fact that I care about them both very much, too much for my own good. I wish I could just say that I had a small thing for Robert and that I was head over heels for Mr. Wrong. But, that's just not true. I care about Robert on so many levels that I can hardly distinguish between any of them anymore. The truth of the matter is I don't want to choose between either one of them. If I could find a way to have both of them, I would probably do it...

I'm the sort of girl who could probably eventually have Mr. Wrong because I demand his respect. And I can tell that I'm the one girl that causes Robert to be vulnerable. I look at him a certain way and I can get him to do so many things that other people can't...

I know I'll run into Robert tonight. I don't know what to say to him, how to act around him. Maybe, I'll just walk in the other direction. Sometimes the best thing that you can do is just walk away from someone...

1 comment:

DesireƩ said...

Ahh, love triangles. Awful, heartbreaking, but albeit -- interesting.